Sunday, August 11, 2013

Some Favorite Summer Pictures.....

  School starts back for teachers tomorrow!!  I am not ready for summer to be over.  There should be a law that states that summer cannot be officially over until we have consumed all the tomato sandwiches we want!   On my way to town a few days ago, I passed a retail store that had a large orange and black sign posted in the window that said, "Welcome Fall!"   NO!  Fall cannot be on its way because summer is still here!  Maybe, like a certain southern belle named "Scarlet", I will think about autumn tomorrow and for today pretend that summer is endless.  So.... since summer is here to stay, I thought I would share with "y'all" some of my favorite warm weather pictures. 

This is the first year that Big A has gotten to drive the tractor to help cut the hay.  He did a really good job!  His dad brought him over about 7:30 AM and he was roaring to go.  That is until he realized he had not eaten breakfast.  So..... first he had to fix himself a Misty Morning Breakfast Special!  After he downed a monumental amount of food, he was ready to work.  (I will tell you more about Big A's special breakfast on another post.) 

That's Big A driving up close with JR in the background.  They had their act together!!  One goes up as one goes down and snip, snip, snip!!

 The dance of the "green & yellow mowers"

Wee Bob's first birthday - John Deere of course.

I did not know who all these people were....they just showed up hungry!!

"Okay cowboys...lets go round up the cattle!!"

"Yes!  I am king of the hay stack!"

"This is my new home and I am not leaving...
Once a king, always a king!"

 "This is not funny!  Kings belong on hay stacks not on top of shoulders!" 

DO NOT trust these two.  DO NOT let those smiles fool you.
Once sworn sibling enemies - now

Big A working this summer at Papa G's shop.
Big A teaching Wee Bob to drive the mule.
"Okay Uncle A, show me one more time how to spin out!"

"Well, even kings have to eat!!

 "Hmmm.  Could this be a dinosaur egg?"

The Gulf Coast is fun but it is definitely no place for a king to live!

Our town has a wonderful water park for the younger crowd complete with a life guard.  And it is FREE!!

"Oh good, now I don't have to take a bath!"
"Is this Old Faithful?"
See what I mean about not wanting summer to end?  (cry, cry)   Okay, I am going to count my blessings and be happy that school is starting and summer is ending.  And the experts tell me that if I say this one hundred million times I will come to believe it!!  So, by the time I repeat this one hundred million times it will be next summer..........Hmm, maybe the experts are on to something.  I am sure I will post a few more summer pics before the days grow cold and gloomy (sob).  No, no crying!  I am happy - I am happy  - I am happy  - I am happy - I am happy - I am happy, etc. etc.

So, for today...

PS.  I know there are two pictures of Old Faithful.  For some reason the web site will not let me delete the extra pic. 


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