Heading out the door.....
A flock of geese fly overhead.....
Good morning birds!
The dogs like to exercise with me.....(I love this shady, secluded place!)
But they often get distracted..."Get 'em boys!"
I love old farm equipment...(Notice the morning mist - it greets me every morning.)
JR rides off into thesunset fog to check the cattle. Can you spot him? He is that tiny white dot near the middle of the right side....
JR rides off into the
The sun is starting to peek over the mountain.....
It lights up the pasture.....(Can you see the moon?)
Wild flowers brighten my day......
Dew drops sweeten the grass......(and soak my shoes!)
A secret garden whispers "enter if you dare"......
And spiders weave intricate designs laced with clover......
Right about now I am thinking I need to win a few million dollars so I can stay home, walk, and snap pictures. I can dream, can't I? I know the dogs want me to stay home so they can get more exercise! They really, really do! Maybe we should take a vote. Do dogs have voting rights?
Regardless of who wins the vote, in a few days I hope to post family fun summer pictures. Until then I am ...........
Still dreaming,
Dee Dee
P.S. Sometimes this blog site does not let me enlarge the pictures so you can see them better. Most likely it is just me not knowing what I am doing. But I try!
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