Saturday, August 24, 2013

Everythings Coming Up Green and Yellow!

Last weekend, JR and I travelled to a farm about 2 1/2 hours from our home to look at a John Deere tractor.  JR would never travel one little bitty hour hour to shop for shoes, but for a tractor -- well that's a different story.  He has been known to travel over 4 hours to look at a tractor!!  Anyway, the day dawned with the wet stuff falling from the sky but we braved the downpours and headed out. 
 (Since I woke up very early that morning - like at 4:30 AM - I decided to walk.  Of course it was dark but that did not stop me!!  Even after stepping in multiple mud puddles I pressed on!!  You see, whenever we travel we make it a habit to stop for ice cream, milkshakes, and all the "good stuff".  And we usually stop more than one time!  So, in order to indulge myself, I have to get my metabolism into high gear!!! So what's a little mud when the rewards are so great?) 
As we travelled the back roads, we stopped several times at John Deere Dealerships and at "junk stores" to look at.....well junk! I prefer "new junk" but someone I know likes "junk junk".  After finding no worthwhile junk to purchase we continued on our way. 
Soon the hunger bug kicked in so we had to swing by for a chicken sandwich and a strawberry milkshake.  Yum!
Finally, we arrived at the barn that housed the tractor JR wanted to see.  There are no pictures of the place because it was raining, and thundering, and lightning and those of us that had a bit of common sense (that would be me), sat in the car and took a snooze!
Eventually the rain stopped and the sun peeked its yellow head out so we headed over to ANOTHER John Deere dealership.  (I think we have a bit of addiction going on here.)...I, for one, was beginning to see "yellow & green things" wherever I looked!!

That's JR checking out a "mini" tractor.  It was about the size of a ladybug! So cute!
 This dealership made a mailbox out of yellowand green parts!

As we continued our journey,  I spotted a yellow and green engine!!
Meanwhile, the heat was building so it was time to stop for an ice cream!!

I guess all that ice cream was getting to me because before I knew it we were passing a yellow gate with a decorative rock gate post topped with green!!!

In my classroom the next day, where I was preparing for the start of school, I discovered more green and yellow!!

 And more green and yellow!!

Wherever I looked there was  MORE green and yellow!!!

On my way home from school, I noticed that the center lines of the road were painted yellow bordered by green grass and trees.  (Yep, it was fixing to rain again....)

 It was about that time that I realized I had a serious problem with the colors green & yellow!  I contribute this problem to the fact that I ate to much ice cream the day before !!  And I am in denial about school starting back!!  I really do not think there is a cure for what ails me.  Except to start painting John Deere tractors pink and purple!!
Have a rainbow day!
Dee Dee 

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Into Every Life a Little Rain Must Fall!

I wanted to take y'all on a morning walk with me to the North pasture but when I woke up yesterday it was still raining!  About 3:00 AM I opened my eyes to feel a fine mist dancing on my face.  Sure enough it was raining, and since we had the windows open, the rain was blowing in and settling on my sleepy face.  I poked JR and mentioned to him that maybe we should close the windows!  His reply was that if it kept raining we would - and then he promptly fell back to sleep.  So I alone had a decision to make ...... Get up and close the windows or snuggle back down under the covers and enjoy the shower. Well that was a no brainer!!   After all, how many times in the heat of summer can you sleep with the windows open and enjoy a cooling shower at the same time?!!  Anyway, back to the walk, when I woke up at daylight it was still raining...



So I patiently waited for the rain to stop - which it did about lunchtime.  I decided that since the gate was open to the North pasture, I would take a hike "that-a-way" and snap photos of the scenery.  So I donned my trusty farm walking shoes......



Now why did I think the path to the North pasture would be dry when puddles dotted the landscape??   I suppose I was just determined to walk a different path. Happily, I grabbed my camera and set off.  As I prodded along my feet kept getting heavier and heavier. I felt like I had 10 pound ankle waits tied on!  To late, I realized all
the mud was sticking to my shoes, sucking me
down .....down....down into the gooey
mess!  Oh no! Would I ever see cow manure again?
Would JR  have to bring the bull dozer
to pull me out of that muddy swamp?  Would he even
find me amongst the rocks and mud cakes?  With all
my power I hoisted my feet up inch by inch, foot by foot, until
I reached drier land.  (I wondered where the dogs were
because they always follow me.  Guess they had better sense this time!)





After slipping and sliding back to the farm I had a revelation.....The scenic trip to the North pasture would have to wait until the sun shines for at least a month and the ground dries up!  Maybe I can ride the 4-wheeler over there one day and take pictures.  Yep, that is what I will do one sunny day!  Until then, I will have to be content with walking the lane near our home and the East pasture.  I will posts some pics from my regular morning walk in a few days.  Until then, I am......
Still scraping mud,
Dee Dee

Some Favorite Summer Pictures.....

  School starts back for teachers tomorrow!!  I am not ready for summer to be over.  There should be a law that states that summer cannot be officially over until we have consumed all the tomato sandwiches we want!   On my way to town a few days ago, I passed a retail store that had a large orange and black sign posted in the window that said, "Welcome Fall!"   NO!  Fall cannot be on its way because summer is still here!  Maybe, like a certain southern belle named "Scarlet", I will think about autumn tomorrow and for today pretend that summer is endless.  So.... since summer is here to stay, I thought I would share with "y'all" some of my favorite warm weather pictures. 

This is the first year that Big A has gotten to drive the tractor to help cut the hay.  He did a really good job!  His dad brought him over about 7:30 AM and he was roaring to go.  That is until he realized he had not eaten breakfast.  So..... first he had to fix himself a Misty Morning Breakfast Special!  After he downed a monumental amount of food, he was ready to work.  (I will tell you more about Big A's special breakfast on another post.) 

That's Big A driving up close with JR in the background.  They had their act together!!  One goes up as one goes down and snip, snip, snip!!

 The dance of the "green & yellow mowers"

Wee Bob's first birthday - John Deere of course.

I did not know who all these people were....they just showed up hungry!!

"Okay cowboys...lets go round up the cattle!!"

"Yes!  I am king of the hay stack!"

"This is my new home and I am not leaving...
Once a king, always a king!"

 "This is not funny!  Kings belong on hay stacks not on top of shoulders!" 

DO NOT trust these two.  DO NOT let those smiles fool you.
Once sworn sibling enemies - now

Big A working this summer at Papa G's shop.
Big A teaching Wee Bob to drive the mule.
"Okay Uncle A, show me one more time how to spin out!"

"Well, even kings have to eat!!

 "Hmmm.  Could this be a dinosaur egg?"

The Gulf Coast is fun but it is definitely no place for a king to live!

Our town has a wonderful water park for the younger crowd complete with a life guard.  And it is FREE!!

"Oh good, now I don't have to take a bath!"
"Is this Old Faithful?"
See what I mean about not wanting summer to end?  (cry, cry)   Okay, I am going to count my blessings and be happy that school is starting and summer is ending.  And the experts tell me that if I say this one hundred million times I will come to believe it!!  So, by the time I repeat this one hundred million times it will be next summer..........Hmm, maybe the experts are on to something.  I am sure I will post a few more summer pics before the days grow cold and gloomy (sob).  No, no crying!  I am happy - I am happy  - I am happy  - I am happy - I am happy - I am happy, etc. etc.

So, for today...

PS.  I know there are two pictures of Old Faithful.  For some reason the web site will not let me delete the extra pic. 


Tuesday, August 6, 2013

5:30 AM and Walking!!

School starts in one week and while I am excited to begin a new school year, I am definitely going to miss my daily walks at dawn.  What a delight it is to hear the birds waking up and to feel a cool morning breeze across my face. All the rain this year has kept my wanderings confined closer to home (Remember the muddy shoes?), but I thought I would share some of my favorite sights from around the home pasture.

Heading out the door.....

A flock of geese fly overhead.....

Good morning birds!

The dogs like to exercise with me.....(I love this shady, secluded place!)
But they often get distracted..."Get 'em boys!"

I love old farm equipment...(Notice the morning mist - it greets me every morning.)

JR rides off into the sunset fog to check the cattle.  Can you spot him?  He is that tiny white dot near the middle of the right side....


The sun is starting to peek over the mountain.....
It lights up the pasture.....(Can you see the moon?)
Wild flowers brighten my day......
Dew drops sweeten the grass......(and soak my shoes!)
A secret garden whispers "enter if you dare"......


 And spiders weave intricate designs laced with clover......
 Right about now I am thinking I need to win a few million dollars so I can stay home, walk, and snap pictures.  I can dream, can't I?  I know the dogs want me to stay home so they can get more exercise! They really, really do!   Maybe we should take a vote.  Do dogs have voting rights? 
Regardless of who wins the vote, in a few days I hope to post family fun summer pictures.  Until then I am ........... 
Still dreaming,
Dee Dee
P.S.  Sometimes this blog site does not let me enlarge the pictures so you can see them better.  Most likely it is just me not knowing what I am doing.  But I try!