Friday, January 15, 2016

A Few New Cows and a Baby Donkey!

December was one exciting month even without all the hustle and bustle of Christmas.  JR noticed that there was a replacement heifer sale in Tennessee so he, Stack, Big A and Papa G headed out at 6:00 AM one Saturday morning to attend the 10:00 AM sale. The idea was to replace two of Big A's smaller cows with two of this larger breed.  Since it was close to a three hour drive, they wanted to make sure they had time to pick up breakfast and to look over the cows that were going on the auction block.  Big A was attending his first sale where he would actually be doing the bidding!!  Unfortunately, the men folk did not think to take pictures of this happy occasion.  How can you participate in an event of a lifetime and not photograph it????   That aside, from what the guys said they had a great time.  Every time JR would nudge Big A he would raise that arm and bid!!  By the end of the sale, Big A had acquired two new heifers!! The guys arrived home just before sunset giving them time to unload, make the cows comfortable, and clean up the equipment.

Here they come!
Opening the holding pen and backing up the trailer.

It's quite an art to get that long trailer lined up to the perfect spot for unloading.

Papa G and Stack double checking that all gates leading to "freedom" are closed.  

Big A filling the trough with feed.

Two buckets of feed to start with should do nicely.

Big A backing up the Mule.....

....and moving it into position to block an opening at the gate.  
We don't want any spooked cows making a run for it!

Papa G unlocking the the middle pen.

First comes that cute, fuzzy head.....

....then the hind portion.

These two feel right a home as they dig into the feed trough.  Gluttons they are!!!

Once the cows are unloaded, the truck and trailer gets a good hosing down.  No way will there be a speck of manure, dirt, grass, etc. left on JR's farm equipment!

Big A does a great job of cleaning up the mess.....

....while the other three cowboys, in typical cowboy fashion, recant their day.


Once the new cows calm down and become acclimated to their new home, the gates are opened and they are free to join the rest of the herd.
  "Hello girls!  Where are you from? What's your name?"

After making sure that the two newcomers transitioned safely to the herd, JR and I headed home.
 There!  Up in the woods!  Snowball with a brand new donkey colt!!
A Christmas Donkey!

Snowball was not to happy about us infringing on her "mama territory".
Much better to let Snowball do the "mothering" while we go home and do some cooking!  Did I say "we"?  Oops, I mean  "me".   Sometimes I wonder what would happen if I became allergic to the kitchen.  Now that's a thought to ponder on a cold, winter's night!!

Dee Dee