Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Corn Picking Time!

Several weeks ago, after the farmers in the area had picked all their corn, JR and I spent several afternoon scouting the fields and picking up the corn that was left to store for "winter treats" for the donkeys.  On one such afternoon, we decided to take the Little Cowboy with us.  It's always a good thing to have an extra pair of hands along to pick and pile!  And the Little Cowboy couldn't wait to plow through the corn stalks. And the sun was shinning and the warm breeze was blowing just calling our name.  And just because it was the perfect, late autumn day!

 Riding along the back trails on the way to a corn field.

 The outer edges and corners of the corn fields have the most corn left by the corn picker.  (Whew! Try saying that 3 times real fast!)

 We came upon one field that had a small corner left intact.  Corn picking heaven!
 "Pull hard Little Cowboy!"

 "Whoa Man, its a jungle out here!"

 "This is one tough dude to pick."

 "Help!  The corn stalks are attacking me!"

 "That's much better!"

The Little Cowboy's job was to pick up all the corn that fell short of the wagon and toss it into the bucket.  I'm t5hinking........A baseball pitcher in the making!

Time out for exploring and discovery,,,,,,,

.......for climbing on the Mule......

 .....and off the Mule!  Again and again!

 Helping JR carry a handful of corn to the wagon.

Ahhhh!  The fruits of labor - enjoying a corn wagon ride to the edge of the field.

Watching Pluto Too, Snowball, and Gypsy, as they discover the corn.  They were not quite sure if they should eat the stuff or play Toss Across with it.  So they did a little of both!

 Eat up little donkeys before the cows discover what you are nibbling on!

The sun was setting as we crossed the pasture on our way to take the Little Cowboy home.
I'll have to say that having an extra pair of hands sure did make the work go faster!
Thanks, Little Cowboy!


Gypsy looks on as the Little Cowboy shucks the corn.

"Here you are Gypsy....take a big bite!"

Those donkeys sure do love their winter treats!

Dee Dee