Monday, July 13, 2015

Father's Day and Blackberry Picking!

June is one of my favorites months.  Fresh fruits and vegetables are plentiful.....strawberries, watermelon, blackberries, tomatoes, endless list of nutritional bliss!  Yes the days are hot but the late afternoons and evenings are splendid as puffy clouds and cool breezes herald the onset of twilight - most of the time.  If that's not enough to put you in the summer mood,  along comes Father's Day!  I LOVE Father's Day!!  No fancy gifts involved. The guys in my family are easy to please - just feed them and they are good to go.  So, what better way to make the day special than to share a watermelon at Meme T's and Papa G's on a late summer afternoon.....all dogs included!!.

This Little Cowboy knows how to chow down on a piece of watermelon.  (Barsha, one of the family dogs, waits patiently for the rind.  That dog is beyond goofy!)

Forget the fancy knives and spoons....just grab it and attack!

This picture reminds me of my childhood when the "relatives" from New York City would visit my family.  Often we would grill hot dogs outside and eat watermelon. (Sweet, sweet memories) The "relatives" always made the day special and fun!!  My three brothers and I tried our best to outdo each other to gain their attention.  Sometimes we landed ourselves in Big Trouble!!  Let me rephrase that.....MOST of the time we got into trouble......Ummm.....maybe ALL the time!! (I still carry the scars!)  Regardless, we loved when the "relatives" brought a bit of excitement to our seemingly dull childhood world. (That fluffy, gentle, white, hairy, giant of an animal is Molly, sniffing around for a handout!)

Moving on,.... As breezes ruffled the leaves and shadows lengthened, Big A, Pooh, and the Little Cowboy worked up a game of softball.....

The Little Cowboy is getting quite good at hitting the ball!  Big A makes quite a terrific catcher and Pooh, as a pitcher, can't be beat!  The "spectators" weren't so bad either!!



Yes, it was a hot, hot, hot, humid day, but a promise is a promise, is a promise, so...,

.....with visions of blackberry cobbler in MY  head, JR, the Little Cowboy, and the "crazy one", which would be me, headed out, during the heat of the day, to search the meadows for......

.....big, juicy, ripe blackberries!   We found some!!

Picking blackberries is hot, prickly, itchy, sticky work!

"Hmmmm.  There's lots of blackberries in this here pink bucket."

"Dee Dee won't miss one....or two....or three....or....

...four....or five...or...etc. etc.  Uh Oh! "

"There all gone, Dee Dee!  Let's go pick some more!"

(Now, as I am about to melt into a puddle of sweat, I am thinking to myself......Seriously?  I don't think so...not today....the temperature is 95 degrees and rising.  This here "crazy one" had a decision to make.  It didn't take me long - maybe a total of 2 seconds - pick more blackberries and bake a blackberry cobbler or wait until there is snow on the ground and make snow cream??

"No more blackberry picking?  That's okay... I'll just play the clown for awhile!"

("Ain't" it great that kids are immune to hot temps?)

Back at the house.....

A dip in the pool to cool off.....
.....while JR hurried to the shade of the barn and I sat in front of the fan, dug briers from my fingers, and tried to breathe!!

Once our body temps cooled back down to a comfortable 101 degrees, we met at the barn to grab an ice cream cone before delivering the Little Cowboy back home.

"No way Pappy!  You are NOT eating my ice cream cone!"

Once back at the Little Cowboys's home, visions of blackberries and ice cream were quickly forgotten when ........

............a friend with his horse, on his way to check his cattle, made an unexpected stop. 

No way was he getting away without the Little Cowboy getting in some "giddy-up" time!

And so life goes.....from watermelon, to baseball, to blackberries, to horses!

Dee Dee

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

On A Mission!!

The Little Cowboy and a friend visited JR and me one afternoon on the farm a few days ago.  Over the years, I have learned that when little boys want something there is NO stopping them!!  They do not comprehend the words - "ruin your supper".  I may as well have been speaking German, or Greek, or Italian.  These two little guys were determined to get to the barn and secure a banana pop no matter what the cost and before being stopped!

 "Hurry!  Hold my hand and I'll show you the way."

 "Uh Oh - I think we've been spotted!"

 "I'll run on ahead real fast and meet you at the barn."

 "It won't take me but a second to get the lock off the door and grab a few banana pops from the freezer.  Then we can hide out with Pappy!"

 "Pappy said we could have all the banana pops we wanted!"

 "Mmmmm.  These banana pops sure are good!"

 "I'm going back to get me a vanilla ice cream cone before Dee Dee spots me.  Shhhh - don't tell."


Loving little boys, summer, and a freezer full of frozen treats!

Dee Dee