One warm, breezy afternoon became the perfect day to fly a kite. Pooh, Stack (nick named by "Big A" because he was a "small stack" compared to him.....but then so is everyone else!), and two "little cowboys" look on in anticipation.
It goes without saying that when you fly a kite you eat a Popsicle!
A banana Popsicle!
A banana Popsicle!
That "bird" is flying high!
May wouldn't be May without wind, rain, and hail. We have had our fair share of all three this year.
Cedar trees came tumbling down.
The next day the clean up would begin. That's JR dragging the tree to the burn pile.
Between rain storms, time is spent looking through catalogs deciding which piece of equipment or tool needs purchased. The "Little Cowboy" has his own opinion!
Sweet-faced calves were being born daily. Naturally, ice cream and calf watching go hand-in-hand. Two donkeys decided to meander on over to see what all the fuss was about.
"Hi Buddy. Hi Brownie. Want some ice cream?"
When things slow down a bit, there are always sticks to pick up and throw in the creek. It's a boy thing!
After throwing sticks for awhile, it's time to stop and smell the flowers.
It was definitely time to shave off all that long, bushy, shaggy, winter hair. "Big A" and the 'Little Cowboy' showing off their trimmed hair. Cool!
Mother's Day was spent eating and visiting. I started to say "resting" but I don't recall getting much rest that day! For that matter, I don't recall resting at all during May!
Yummy! Pork Sandwiches, chips, baked beans, ice cream and cake!
Laughter warms my heart!
Looks like the "Little Cowboy" was eating bubbles for dessert!
One late afternoon, "Big A" helped JR check the locks on the north pasture. I went along for the ride - BIG mistake! The mosquitoes were absolutely wild that evening! And us with NO mosquito spray! The evening was warm and muggy - nevertheless, I had my jacket wrapped around my legs to ward off the bites. JR reverted to spraying starter fluid on himself. (I certainly do NOT recommend this method. Whatever was JR thinking?? It could be extremely dangerous, even lethal, should a spark appear out of nowhere.) "Big A" just toughed it out! I can promise you that mosquito repellent will be stashed aboard the Mule from now on!!
Last day of Preschool! We celebrated the "Little Cowboy's" birthday with balloons, pizza, cookies, and juice. Of course the decorations were Ninja Turtle - what else?? I was amazed that these preschool children were able to tell me the names of the Ninja Turtles and everything about them. Ninja Turtles have names like Leonardo, and Michelangelo, and Raphael, and Donatello. I guess simple names are no longer popular. No more Mary, or Judy, or John, or Jack.
The "Little Cowboy" sharing a preschool moment with his best bud.
The hail destroyed our neighbor's winter wheat crop so the stalks were cut and baled for other uses.
Good natured Molly getting ready to take Hollywood by storm - thanks to the "Little Cowboy"!
I absolutely LOVE walking on our farm. Treasures pop up everywhere! One day I found an egg and nest that was blown from its tree house. Poor little birdie.....
Spring fever has set in! "JR" scouting around for a new ATV. Maybe - maybe not.
The "Little Cowboy" and a friend spending the afternoon on the farm....eating banana pops.....
......cooling off....(yes, we need a larger pool but it worked last year!)......
.....and checking out the cows with "JR"...
I left out a most important part of May......a visit from 3 very special children. Their mother used to spend time with us on the farm before she grew up and moved away. We were so very lucky to have her children spend a few afternoons with us while they were spending the week with Meme T and Papa G. More about this visit coming up soon.....
Dee Dee
I left out a most important part of May......a visit from 3 very special children. Their mother used to spend time with us on the farm before she grew up and moved away. We were so very lucky to have her children spend a few afternoons with us while they were spending the week with Meme T and Papa G. More about this visit coming up soon.....
Dee Dee