Monday, September 15, 2014

Here comes....THOMAS THE TRAIN!

A certain "little cowboy" has been mesmerized by Thomas the Train for months and months.  So much so that he has had all family members thinking, whenever they hear a train whistle........."There goes Thomas!"  Having discovered several months ago that "Thomas" would be in Nashville over the Labor Day Weekend, we purchased tickets and planned a trip.  We decided, for obvious reasons, not to tell the "little cowboy" until a few days before the event.  And finally the BIG day arrived!  Meme T, Pooh, Big A, Papa G, Wee Bob, JR, me and some friends set out early Saturday morning for the long drive to Nashville.  (JR and I left a bit later since we did not plan on stopping to eat breakfast like the rest of the bunch.)

After eating breakfast it was time for a bit of exercise and a little game of "Hide N Seek".  

These two "cowboys" were not thrilled about having to get back in the car and ride a few more hours. Oops...KD lost his shoes!

After hours of dodging the Labor Day traffic on the Interstate, the train station was finally spotted - far, far away.  Not to worry, these two were ready for a hike...... 

Bringing up the rear was some more of our bunch.  Goodness!  There were no parking spaces closer than 5 miles away!  At least it seemed like 5 miles for those guests who had to walk.  Guess that's one way to get your daily quota of exercise! (I have to confess, JR and I found a space right across from the entrance - which was a blessing indeed!)

Thomas the Train! Let the fun begin!

There was lots to do while waiting for "Thomas" to steam into the station.  Here Big A and Wee Bob check out the small "petting zoo".

Train tattoos were definitely on the day's agenda. 

"I am NEVER going to wash my arm again! Bath time is a thing of the past!"

A tent packed full of trains and miniature villages was a hit with all the kids - big and little!

"Okay, lets go that way and I'll go this way and we'll meet at the station."

Jumbo jumping balloons are so much fun!

Pooh, Big A, and Meme T watching the kids play while the skies sprinkled cooling rain drops.  Thank goodness the day was overcast and stayed in the low 80's.  

Enjoying a ride on the "mini train".

Meme T and Wee Bob pose with a character, Mr. Topham Hatt, from the Thomas the Train series.

HOORAY!  THOMAS THE TRAIN HAS ARRIVED!  That's one happy, little cowboy!

Thomas the Train....the Number 1 Tank Engine.

"Old Thomas" just kept on smiling as hundreds of kids posed for the camera.  

Finally, it was time to board "Thomas" and ride the rails.  Wee Bob, Pooh and friends were lucky to have tickets for the Number 1 car.  

The rest of us, well Big A, Meme T and I were bumped back to car #5 because we did not have pre-purchased tickets. (You will notice there are no photos of JR and Papa G because they stayed with the van and "tailgated" for several hours due to a ticket misunderstanding.  They were good sports about it, and if I had my guess, enjoyed the peace, quiet and people watching.)

Big A was way ahead of the game.  Within 30 seconds of boarding he had his seat kicked back and was ready to enjoy the view.

Wee Bob was taking his first train ride ever!  

"Hmmmm. so you say this train can reach 120 MPH?" 

"I'm thinking about ending my career as a cowboy and.........

........becoming a hobo with my best friend KD!"

"Yes, I can see me being a hobo for a long, long time - riding the rails, traveling the country, eating off the least until I'm 3!"

After a trip to the gift shop (which was filled with thousands of trains in all shapes and sizes) it was time to say "Goodbye".  
Goodbye Percy. Goodbye Thomas.  Goodbye Charlie!

Upon leaving Nashville, and traveling the back roads instead of the dreaded interstate, JR and I stopped at several tractor dealerships to "look".  And then we had to eat.  And then the skies began to look ominous.  And then the rain drops developed into a downpour! And then the thunder roared and the lighting streaked across the sky.  And then we stopped for ice cream. And then darkness fell and we still had a wet, windy, lonely trip across a nearly deserted mountain road where who knows what was lurking!  And then I snapped this picture because I wanted to remember NEVER again to drive across a dark, spooky, deserted, mountain road in the rain and dark!  AMEN!

Dee Dee

Monday, September 1, 2014

The Old and the New!

Meme T, Papa G and Big A are moving back to the valley.  Hooray!!  Before moving back, the decision was made to do extensive remodeling.  OUT WITH THE OLD AND IN WITH THE NEW!  Needless to say, nearly every weekend and evening has been spent in ripping out, tearing down, building up, laying down and painting!  Did I say painting?  There is SO much to paint.  And just when you think that you have painted the last room you realize that there are three more waiting!  UGH!  The mountain family is TIRED!!  POOPED!  So....I have been lending my help whenever the opportunity arises -- because......I Love Painting!  (Don't believe that! It's a big fib to try to trick myself into thinking I enjoy painting.)

A week or so ago, on one fine weekend, I made my way down the lane and over to the remodeling site.

I found Pooh hard at work.  It looked like she was overwhelmed with WORK. 

And there was sweet Patches giving me the "eye".  Patches is a bit overwhelmed too.

  Papa T, Big A and JR were found on the porch......So far, everyone seems to be overwhelmed with work.  (That's JR's legs you see on the left side of the picture.)

Inside, evidence of renovation can be seen everywhere. I found Meme T hard at work, covered in paint, and threatening to post ugly pictures of me on the web if I so much as dared to take her picture!  Attention everyone!  No pictures of Meme T will grace my blog today!

The smell of fresh paint and new flooring assaults the senses!

This bath needed a total redo......from the bottom to the top.  The new, larger shower would not fit down the hallway so Papa G had to do some quick "rethinking".  Thank goodness he found a bath/shower that came in 3 separate pieces.

This room would absolutely terrify me if I enlarged it hence the reason it is not enlarged.  Finding storage space during renovations can definitely be a challenge!

Master bath looking good!

Master bedroom..........lots of potential here! Still needs hardwood flooring but painting is completed!!

Big A's room.  Still needs painting (cry, cry) and flooring.  No one seems to know what happened to the wall on the far end.  The paint just magically pealed off.  I bet Houdini couldn't even make that happen!!

Back hallway.  Getting a new floor any day now!

Kitchen - dining area getting an update:  New flooring, new counter top, new tile back-splash.  

As you can see, there is still lots and lots of work that needs to be completed before moving day -- which has not been set because there is still lots and lots of work to be done!

Moving on to more of the "new".  Wee Bob visited his new preschool during open house a few weeks ago.  He just jumped right in and began playing as if he had been attending MDO all his life.

That's Wee Bob on the left wearing the turquoise shirt.

Sweet little cowboy played so hard he fell asleep on the way home.  

And then came the first day of preschool..........(drum roll please....)

Wee Bob is dressed and ready to go.....with lots of smiles and kisses for his mommy.

Learning to work puzzles at preschool. (A special BIG THANK YOU  goes to the director, Ms. J, for sending lots of photos throughout the day to our smart phones that first week.)

It was great seeing Wee Bob building a tower and playing with the other toddlers.  

The second day speaks for itself.... Wee Bob is happy and 'laid back' about attending preschool!

I had the pleasure of picking Wee Bob up from preschool the second day of school.  Here he is contemplating on what makes the window go up and down. 

"Oh, I get it now!  I can do it!"

Job well done!
(If this is what they learn at preschool we are all in BIG trouble.)

Later, down at the barn, Wee Bob told Pappy all about preschool......

   It wouldn't be a visit to the farm unless Wee Bob went home muddy, sandy, or wet - or all 3!


Riding Big A's first racing bike with Papa G.

Wee Bob and Pooh shooting a few baskets before the dreaded BATH TIME!

And last but not least, Big A and Sugar taking an early evening ride. 


Dee Dee

Coming soon......Thomas the Tank Engine!