Monday, February 17, 2014

Where Did All That White Stuff Come From??

Well, the south surprised me again with four to six inches of SNOW!  Cold, white, fluffy snow!  A perfect snow day if ever there was one - sunny skies, calm winds, and above freezing temps!!  What else can you do but put on your boots and go out and play...........

 "Wee Bob" visiting with Meme T, Papa G, and Big A watching for the first snow flake to fall.....

....and that night....snow it did!!  Even the roads were covered.

"Here I come snow!  Hmmm, what should I do first?"

 "I think I'll take a walk and see how deep the snow is."

 "Snow ball looks like fun!"
 "I'll try body surfing.....or maybe taking a nap.  On second thought -  maybe not!"
 "Somebody push me real high!!  Just a swinging.."

"Wow, I'm building my first snowman....with a little help from...
 ...Mommy and Daddy!"
 "Okay Daddy, show me one more time how to make a snow angel?"
 "Blue" decided to join the snowy fun although I think he preferred the porch.

 Making footprints in the snow.
Meanwhile, up on the mountain..........

Big A was meeting some friends across the street for........

 A SNOWBALL FIGHT!!!  They really take this stuff seriously!!
 "Barsha" wanted to join Big A across the street and go riding with him on the four-wheeler.
Back in the valley.....
 JR and I decided to take the mule across the pastures and pick up Wee Bob.  We bundled up with lots of quilts to keep us warm!!  I wish I had thought to pack a thermos of hot chocolate.  All that "white stuff" was making me forgetful. I did remember diapers, wipes, juice and crackers!!

 We rode across pastures that belonged in a Norman Rockwell painting and then down to the hay fields. We crossed frozen creeks and streams that were beginning to gurgle.  We checked on the cows and calves and decided they needed some extra nutrition.  (On the way back to the barn we started to get a flat tire so we exchanged the Mule for the four-wheelers! It was a good thing the temperature continued to climb and we didn't freeze our mittens off!!)
Back at the barn, JR and Wee Bob
 filled a bucket with vitamin sticks for the calves.
"I got it's not heavy"
After spending about four hours outside walking, playing and working we took the "little snowman" home and I settled in with a cup of  hot chocolate with extra whipped cream!!  But not before building my own version of a snowman!!  I didn't win the contest but I had FUN!  Sometimes you just have to live it up a little!!

Dee Dee

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

What Do You Do When Your Lips Turn Blue?

Here in the south it is supposed to be warm.....with sunshine!  Oh, we have our winter moments but they usually don't last longer than a few days.  Mother Nature has done a complete flip this year and decided that we needed to experience cold temperatures.  Let me re-phrase that.....we needed to experience frigid temperatures!!!  So what do you do when the cows are fed and it is to cold to do anything else but sit indoors by the fire?  You get BORED!!  Boredom on a farm is rare because there is usually so much to do.  But tell that to Mother Nature!!  Well, after sitting around a few hours JR and I decided to seek some excitement!!!

We came across the Mayfield Cow.  This cow was HUGE!  I believe she was giving JR the "eye"!  All the pretty girls do!!

Of course around here another word for "excitement" is "green" as in "tractors"!!
We re-discovered an old railroad museum.  I can't wait to take "Wee Bob" to see this place this summer!  He's really into trains and airplanes!!

Over the many mountains and across the valley in a teeny, tiny village we came across an abandoned "something".  It looked like an old castle or monastery - to me anyway.  After doing some research I learned it was .............

This place definitely had a spooky feel about it!!


I could almost hear the ghosts howling to each other.  Yikes!  I really did hear the ghosts ---- right behind this place, up a deserted dirt road, was an old, old, old, old, graveyard!!  Double spooky!!!

I wouldn't want to be there on a cold, dark, windy, night! And yet I couldn't resist the temptation to explore!  Poor JR, he puts up with a lot! 

Some of the tombstones were very elaborate.

 I have been wondering for days who this Claude Barnes was.  Did he have a family?  How did he die?

Some of the elaborate gates and tombstones were being swallowed up by nature.  So sad....

Well enough was time for some real excitement!  After stopping for gas we noticed  - off to the right - THE AUTOMATIC CAR WASH!! Fasten your seat belts everyone and BLAST OFF!!

I imagined I was stuck in some horror movie and these red and blue "hairy monsters" were out to get me!!!

After all that commotion it was time for some flea marketing.  JR found this cute little tricycle for Wee Bob.  Now if the weather would ever warm up he might just be able to try it out!!
And so ends the day.  Our lips are still blue, our feet are still freezing, our hands are still stiff, but we are bored no longer!!
P.S.  That abandoned building used to old limestone plant with a castle-like appearance.  Who would have thought???
Waiting for daffodils....
Dee Dee

Saturday, February 8, 2014

The Circus is Coming, The Circus is Coming!!

Once upon a time (well, four days ago), far away across the mountains, in the land of Dixie, a little cowboy dreamed of the circus coming to town.....

He dreamed of sitting in the barber's chair and getting "all duded" up for the big event!  He wouldn't even cry!!!

Then he would hop on his motorcycle, speed down to the golden ring, and make his grand entrance.  Everyone would be clapping and yelling.....Go Wee Bob Go!  Go Wee Bob Go!!

He would ask the clowns to park his "cycle" and his mom would swoop him up in her arms and take him to see the elephants. "My, what a big nose you have Mr. Elephant (Or is that a Mrs?)!"


Next, his dad would take him to ride the ponies.  Around and around they would go!!  Faster and Faster and Faster!! ....Till they were galloping among the stars!!

"Can't this dang horse go a little faster?"

Then he would learn how to tame the tigers!! He would snap his famous whip and the tigers would jump back on their stools!  He would snap it again and the tigers would jump up in the air.  He'd be the best wild animal trainer in the land!!

He would study real hard and learn all there was to know about circus life.  One day he too would walk the tightrope, swing on the trapeze and teach lions to turn cartwheels !!  Wheeee!!

And sometimes, in the land of Dixie, dreams really do come true!! (Except the part about racing the motorcyle, walking the tightrope and swinging on the trapeze!! And maybe messing with the wild anilmals!)
Love, Dee Dee