As usual I woke up early, eager to go for my morning walk. I donned a jacket and set out for greener pastures. About thirty minutes into my walk I noticed that our dogs were chasing each other all over the pasture. THE NEXT THING I KNEW I WAS FLAT ON MY FACE IN THE DIRT!! The "3 Musketeers" ran right in front of me causing me to flip over them and land hard in the gravel. It would not have been so bad had I been able to access my injuries and crawl, yell, or phone for help, but no...........those dang dogs thought it was play time! They began jumping all over me, licking my face (YUCK!) and causing me to think words that I have only heard on TV!! The harder I tried to get up the more they bounced on top of me. After much determination on my part, I grabbed hold of Curly Q (QE) and struggled to a standing position to see if I could still walk and talk. I noticed an odd taste in my mouth which turned out to be a combination of dirt, rocks, weeds, and heaven only knows what else!! I spit and spit and spit until there was no spit left! Thank goodness there was no blood. I would have fainted dead away and been mauled by our crazy dogs!! I eventually took a few tentative steps to determine if I could still walk. My knees dripped blood, my ankles sagged, and my elbows felt like a steam roller had payed them a visit. But hey....I am tough! I am WOMAN! I am master over my body! What's a little blood and grit on a beautiful, almost fall morning?
Back to our 4-wheel ride......I thought it would be best not to mention the " four-legged beast attack" until after we were on our way to meet up with everyone. I had to get to packing anyway. Lots of crunchy snacks, fruit, drinks, diapers, baby wipes, diapers, jackets, baby wipes, diapers, sandwiches, diapers, etc. (We all pack for Wee Bob in case someone forgets something!) Bob and Pooh and Wee Bob met us at our house and we formed a caravan to the mountain top to meet up with Meme T, Papa G, Big A and Little A (Little A was a friend of Big A who happened to have the same first name.) And off we went!!!
We drove down into the valley on our way to the river and trails.
We passed an old, deserted store. I bet those benches could tell lots of stories - if only they could talk!
We arrived at the river trails, unloaded our 4-wheelers, and set out for the unknown! (That's Big A and Little A waaaaaay ahead of us.) A person could have gotten seriously wet if they had not been careful! However, we just had to cross the creek to get to the trail head.
This part of the trail was extremely muddy and bumpy not to mention extremely painful to my bruised body! But I'll never tell.........Hey! Wait up! How did Meme T, Papa G and Wee Bob get ahead of us???
We stopped at a small clearing as we waited for Bob and Pooh to let air out of their tires so the ride would be a little less bumpy! Wee Bob just rode with whoever was available at the time. He was not particular as long as he could ride up front. Big A and Little A are to the left, JR is in the middle, and Meme T, Papa G, and Wee Bob are to the right.
Here come Pooh and Bob! Now they have Wee Bob. (Wee Bob was playing "musical 4-wheelers!) Further down the trail we met up with another family who was enjoying the day. Their two boys were caked with mud so they must have been having a good time!! We stopped and took a short break to stretch our legs and quench our thirst.
Time to hit the trails again. This time we entered a wooded area where the trails were less rough! (Thank Goodness!)
Next, we bounced along paths that led through meadows of wildflowers.
After about an hour and half we decided it was time for lunch and rest!! That's me on the left, JR in the middle, and Bob on the right. (Bob really knows how to relax!) I believe that is the only picture ever taken of me - in my entire life - that shows me tall and slim. I use to dream about having a picture made like that. Who ever thought a cell phone camera could work such wonders?
Tailgating at its finest! That is Papa G drinking a coke, Bob (who has not moved an inch), and Pooh with the leaf mask on!
Big A and Little A decided to explore the area on foot! What's a bear, mountain lion, or snake to those two brave warriors?!
Wee Bob really took to this place so he decided to build himself a cabin and homestead! That's the pioneer spirit Wee Bob!! He wasn't even worried about indoor plumbing.....
Every cabin needs a cornerstone!! Nothing is to heavy for this fellow!
After eating and resting, JR and I decided to turn around and head back to the drop off point. We had a few side trails we wanted to explore and really, this was the only way we were ever going to be ......
The rest of the group continued on up the mountain for a few more miles.
Ahhhhh! Peace and quiet. We explored an old cemetery and stopped for me to take pictures and more pictures.
We took our time over the muddy, bumpy areas. We looked for tadpoles. We counted the rocks.
We panned for gold. We turned up a trail that said KEEP OUT! We were so brave!!
Finally, we returned to the starting point - all in one piece! As we were loading up the 4-wheeler we heard the rest of the crew coming in. Meme T thought we would have been long gone but Big A figured it out........Big A's quote..."You know DeeDee, always stopping and taking pictures!" Smart boy -- he was so right!
We journeyed out of the valley by a different route. Down beautiful, tree lined, country roads....
Past green fields keeping watch over hay bales .......
Past green fields keeping watch over hay bales .......
Past old, abandoned barns.......
All the way home I cradled my left wrist in my right hand. It had turned black and blue and was sending out signals of pain. OUCH! It must have been all that "holding on" I had to do over the bumps. After showering, I put an ice pack on it it which helped - some. But the ice pack was not reaching all the areas of pain. The problem was that my whole palm was one big ache of pain. What to do? What to do? But then a light bulb went off in my head. Why not fill a cup with ice cream and wrap my palm around the cup? Instant relief!! By the time I finished eating the cup of ice cream (chocolate works best), the pain had subsided and I figured I would be able to hobble to work the next day. I fell asleep soon after and dreamed of wildflowers, bears, and no indoor plumbing!!
See you soon,
True Grit (alias DeeDee)